Thursday, January 20, 2011


Finally got on the internet lol i havent been keeping up with much lately... sorry!

buti have made two new awesome friends here and they are my fellow teachers. one from Switzerland and the other from the netherlands or something....

we hang out and watch avatar every night hahaha! and we have taken hikes all over the place together. they are awesome. every day we have really great conversations about life and religion and just things in general. i love it.

the one from switzerland is named Pascal and He is like 25 or so. he has been all over the world pretty much!

then Arne is like 22 and from holland/ Netherlands. His brother came up to visit him for two weeks and he said that he just wanted to live the experience of his little brother because he loved him that much... sooo touching. it was great.

yeah so im just putting this very vaugely because i am pretty chilly lol and ijust want to hurry up and get some cookies!!!!

but yeah ill post some new pics in a few days i think so keep an eye out \=]

oh and Mariah that trippy blue thing was a Thangka Painting done by a monk there at the Bodanath Stupa. it is all so intricate and the paintings are done as a form of meditation Tantra. i watched a guy paint one that he said would take him months to complete! to get started they have to practice painting the Buddhas and certain dieties and shapes and such about fifty times! the colors can not differ AT ALL in any of the images. its awesome to watch because they are all really Meticulous and Mathematical (not sure why i capsed them lol but i did) i may get to learn how to do a really basic one from some nuns at the nunnery just down the rice fields....

oh yeah and the other day i got lost in the woods of a mountain and wound up at the top of the most gorgeous view i have seen yet...

it was at the very top of a mountain(aka hill) like an hours hike from the Gumpa(monastery) and at the top there were HUNDREDS of prayer flags in the trees... there were pathces of squishy grass all over. i decided to just take a seat and i meditated at the top of this place and ate some yummy cookies =D

but yeah ill post more later Arne and i are gonna go get some cookies!!!!


ps mom and k, you should come visit me because you could live at the monastery and i can take you to Prayer in the mornings and night! and i can take you through the rice fields and we can ride on the top of a bus to Kathmandu to get some great food and shopping. I think you should come up for a month. the guest house that i have in mind is like 14 bucks a night for a two bed. please think about it! and if thats not an option then charlie you should do it! pleaseeeeeeeeee some one come visit me hahaha

Saturday, January 15, 2011

More pictures!!!

These are all pictures from the town called Chobar. very beautiful =]

PICTURES!! will have more up in a little while going to eat breakfast first =D

These Photos are of a baby owl we found stuck in the attic where the wolar panels are. he was
 very very beautiful and we ended up letting him go that night =] all is well with the little ulloo (owl)

THese are pics from our group tour to the biggest Buddha stupa in Aisa! the Boddanath =D

Second trip to the Monkey Temple  (Swoyambuhl)

These are pics from the Pashupatinath temple (hindi) the atmosphere is much different than the Boddanath temple... it was much more depressing.. and most of the people here were not very excited to see our white faces.....
